International Association of Rural Health and Medicine(IARM)

I am Claudio Colosio, current IARM President after taking over from Prof. Shuzo Shintani. Born in June 13 1953 in Milano (Italy), I am married, father of two kids and grandfather of two granddaughters. Medical Doctor, Specialized in Occupational Medicine and Professor of Occupational Health at the Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milano, Director of the Occupational Health Unit of the Hospitals Saints Paolo and Carlo of Milano and Director and Founder of the International Centre for Rural Health, WHO collaborating Centre on Occupational Health. Participant and coordinator of several national and international collaborating projects on occupational health and Safety. Coordinator of the ILO working group responsible for the preparation of criteria for diagnosis and prevention of the occupational diseases listed in the new ILO list; component of the EU group responsible for the preparation of the text “Information notices on occupational diseases: a guide to diagnosis” published in 2009 as official document of European Union. Component of the Working Group "Farmworkers and pesticides" of ANSES (Agence Nationale Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Alimentation, de l'Environnement et du Travail). Past president and secretary of the Scientific Committee on Rural Health of the International Commission of Occupational Health (ICOH) and since 2004 IARM Vice President. Author of more than 100 papers published in peer reviewed journals, chapters of textbooks and author of more than 300 presentations at national and international Congresses. I work for improving the health of rural people and workers, to increase their access in the health care system and to make broader and stronger the international Rural Health Network.

History  12 July 1961, Tours (France), at 1st International Congress of Rural Medicine, as International Association of Agricultural Medicine . Subsequently changed title to International Association of Agricultural Medicine and Rural Health (IAAMRH) -- Association internationale de médecine agricole et de santé rurale , 1978. Current title adopted, 13 Oct 2009, when association was revived with relocation of Secretariat to Japan. Original statutes legally approved 23 June 1962.

Aims  Support the WHO goal of "Health for All in the 21st Century"; help improve the status of health of rural communities and protect the health of agricultural workers; help member organizations adopt a scientific approach in the field of agricultural medicine and rural health and assist in its practical application; establish effective collaboration with other branches of medicine, health, agricultural, environmental and other related sciences; study the effects of social, physical and environmental conditions on human health.

Structure  General Assembly (every 3 years at Congress); Executive Board; Presidency; Regional Chapters (4); Specialized commissions.

Languages  English.

Finance  Members' dues.

Consultative Status  ILO.

IGO Relations  Cooperates with a number of United Nations organizations, including:
-- FAO; -- UNESCO; -- WH

NGO Relations  Links with:
-- International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering ;
-- International Commission on Occupational Health (ICOH) .