President |
Prof. Claudio Colosio |
Professor, Department of Health Sciences of the University of Milan and International Centre for Rural Health of the S. Paolo Hospital of Milano, Italy
President Elect |
Prof. Istvan Szilard |
Professor, Department of Operational Medicine, University of Pécs Medical School, Chair of Clinical Infectology and Migration Health, Pécs, Hungary |
Immediate Past President |
Dr. Shuzo Shintani |
Past President of the Japanese Association of Rural Medicine (JARM), Honorary Director, JA Toride Medical Center, Ibaraki 302-0022, Japan |
Honorary President |
Dr. Ashok Vikhe Patil |
Executive Chairman, Pravara Rural Education Society, DIST-AHMEDNAGAR, India |
Past President |
Prof. Hans-Joachim Hannich |
Professor, University of Greifswald, Institute for Medical Psychology, Greifswald, Germany |
Vice President |
Dr. Kyeong Soo Lee |
Professor, Department of Preventive Medicine & Public Health, Yeungnam University College of Medicine, Daegu, Republic of Korea |
Vice President |
Prof. Peter Lundqvist |
Professor, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Work Science, Business Economic & Environmental Psychology, Alnarp, Sweden |
Vice President |
Prof. Petar Bulat |
Professor, University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine & Serbian Institute of Occupational Health, Belgrade, Serbia |
Secretary General |
Dr. Satoshi Izawa |
Board Member of JARM, Clinical Adviser, Saku Central Hospital, Nagano, Japan |